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Help Us To Reach Others

God’s Use of Our Church and Building

ANNIVERSARY SERVICE – all three congregations plus friends from the community

God continues to use us to serve both the local congregations and the local community as well as the Caribbean region. We hold weekly services, bible studies and small group meetings for our Arima congregation as well as combined services three times each

year for all of our three congregations.

In addition thousands of persons from various Christian denominations make use of the building for various activities.

Following is a List of some of the more salient activities that have occurred over the years:


Our church members were entrusted with the responsibility of purchasing non-perishable food items in bulk and then prepare the hampers for distribution. For three years (2006 – 2009) hundreds

of residents converged on the compound to collect their monthly hampers until the program was changed. However, this program also allowed lasting relationships to be developed between our church members and the parents and children of the community.


Our facility is also the base for the Trinidad and Tobago Council of Evangelical churches, as all of their monthly board meetings take place at the building on the third Thursday of each month.


For the last ten years Prison Fellowship Trinidad and Tobago (PFTT) has used our facility extensively. All of PFTT’s volunteer meetings are held there on the fourth Sunday of each month as well as all of its Training Sessions for both locals and international visitors.

During the Christmas season, PFTT volunteers make maximum use of the facility to wrap gifts for hundreds of the inmates’ children as well as prepare snack bags and toiletry hampers for the inmates. Members of the community (including children) around the church also participate.

Our local congregations and building aretherefore the base of Prison Fellowship Trinidad and Tobago (PFTT), which serves all seven prisons in the nation. Our church is the base church for PFTT as over thirty GCI members are directly involved in prison ministry and many more facilitate the ministry. All of PFTT’s special dinners, preparation of meals for special prison functions and preparation for activities in the prisons occur in our building.


The church was used as a venue to help slow learners by providing evening classes for them. The extra tuition provided freely by some of our members was well received by the parents who even volunteered to assist the teachers to supervise the children. Our national government through its Ministry of Education also used our building as one of its school examination centers for many years.


For six years (2009 – 2015), the Ministry of National Security used our facilities to hold meetings under the umbrella of a body called the Community Action Council. The council was formed to give members of the community an opportunity to design programs and plans to fight the scourge of crime in the area. Through these meetings, we were able to forge deeper relationships with the residents of the community. Photos of some of these projects and other ministries follow with a brief description of each.


Fifteen men and women met over an eight-week period to learn how to respond to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of cancer patients, their family members and caregivers. The sessions were conducted by Wayne and Carol Rajaram who had attended a three day workshop in Chicago which was sponsored by Cancer Treatment Centre of America. In the picture , graduates proudly display their certificates. Since their training, participants have been empowered to bring a ministry of presence to those families afflicted by cancer.


A six-month barbering course was also sponsored by the Ministry of National Security to equip unemployed youths who were nor academically inclined. A number of sessions were held at Grace Communion and the graduation at the same venue turned out to be a family celebration of the achievement of the participants.


The ladies all excelled in acquiring the skills and the majority of them are today able to earn a living by building their own clientele. All classes were conducted at Grace Communion, Arima.


Over a twelve week period, eleven women, faced their fears about speaking in public and grew in confidence to give speeches about themselves, a subject they were each passionate about as well as one given to them on the spur of the moment (impromptu). They all were empowered and made their families proud on the day of their graduation at Grace Communion, Arima.


Twelve young men participated in a life skill training program conducted by Sherwin Lambert, a member of our GCI Arima congregation who is a professional carpenter, mason and plumber. The majority of the young men not only acquired a skill, but also found a friend in Sherwin who believed in them. The graduation for level 2 occurred on Saturday 13th April 2019.


Occasionally Clifton Charles has conducted discipleship seminars for members of our GCI congregations and leaders from other denominations. depicted in the photo

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Grace and peace to you and your family,


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